Saturday, January 1, 2011

Going Secondhand for 2011

I've been thinking about this for a couple of weeks and yesterday I decided what the hell, I'm just going to do it. For a full year I'm going to abstain from buying anything new*. Of course there will have to be some exceptions as I do not plan to become a freegan and dumpster dive for all of 2011. Nothing against you freegans out there... but ya that's just not going to happen. Below is the list of rules and exceptions to my plan:

  1. I must not purchase anything new within 2011 which is not clearly stipulated in the Exceptions section listed below
  2. I must not cheat the system by asking other people to buy things for me
  1. Food
  2. Toiletries
  3. Personal clothing items (underwear, socks, etc). I am NOT wearing underwear from Value Village!!!
  4. The new Blaqk Audio album
  5. Emergency items in which my health and/or safety would be impaired if I did not purcahse these items. I can't think of a good example. Oh maybe if I was on a sinking boat and they were selling life preservers. Okay this seems like an obvious excpetions but I feel it would be an oversight for me to omit it from my list

Well, I think that about sums it up! I intend to blog my progress so we shall see how this goes.

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