When Alexander McQueen came out with the Armadillo shoes in the Spring 2010 collection I was instantly obsessed. I spent months drooling over these shoes that A) Only 21 pairs were ever made of, B) Ranged in price from $3,900 to $10,000 a pair, and sadly C) Were not even vegan :( So I moped around for over a year, occasionally frustrating myself by watching Lady Gaga’s Bad Romance video or surfing for pictures of my precious…

It wasn’t until last weekend while I was once again drooling over the 12” beautiful monstrosities that it finally came to me. I could just make my own! It’s the only logical way that I will ever be able to get my hands on a pair. Or at least something somewhat similar to a pair. I mean you never know, maybe somewhere down the road some lovely person will make an affordable vegan version, but it’s not like I could even buy them this year! And to be perfectly honest I’m terrible at waiting. I’m the kind of person who will take food out of the microwave after 30 seconds and eat it cold because I’ve gotten tired of waiting. I want things NOW. As such, I set out to fulfill my yearlong dream.
My first stop was Value Village. I figured it would be easiest if I got a pair of heels to act as the base of which I’d construct the shoes. At first I thought I could just but a stripper heel but alas strippers were not in the giving mood to the Langley Value Village last weekend. So I settled on these:
After I finished constructing the shape of the shoes I had to figure out some was of holding everything securely in place while also adding to the support and durability (HA! Like these need to be durable. Maybe I’ll start wearing them to work every day…) The obvious solution? DUCT TAPE like you’ve never DUCT TAPED before. On a side note up until 2 years ago I totally thought it was called duck tape. True story. Quack! Quack. So then I came to these, my duct tape armadillo shoes:
As much as I thought the duct tape versions were awesome and almost a playful poke at the couture originals I pushed onwards! I used a vinyl alligator print to cover the boots. I added some overlapping fabric part to the front to add to armadilloness of the shoes.
The shoes were really coming together at this point. But the colour was gross so I used some black gloss to sleek them up. Then added some decorative trim, chains, a blue sole with Swarovski crystals and voila:
They are currently drying and I expect likely will be for the next day or so. But I’m super happy with my creation. Are they exactly like the originals? No. They are the same height though and a real bitch to walk in. So all in all good enough! Plus I actually own these and didn’t skin any animals to make them :)
wow well done, I don't eat any meat since I am 11, but I still buy leather items, I respect you so much by making your own designer shoes!!!!
These are incredible, you're very talented and you did an excellent job on these!! They look very much like the originals!
I love these you should really start making these and sell them on ebay. I will be the first to buy!!!!!
LOVE these! And I love that you made them vegan. I know I have had to sacrifice not buying things because they weren't animal-free, but you did it!
Would you be willing to make another pair?
Because I would be willing to buy!
Thank you so much for all of the awesome feedback! They were a lot of work but I'm so happy with how they turned out.
I am in the beginning stages of making another pair to sell. It will probably be 2-3 weeks before they're done. The only downside is the materials aren't cheap and they take hours and hours to make. But I'll keep you updated!
I've never done a custom order for anything before but definitely would be open to it. What did you both have in mind? Identical pairs or something a little different?
Hello how are u I would love a Pair just in black with red soles ! U are so talented email me fortunate19@gmail.com
I would love to buy a pair!! I imagine it is pricey but I wouldn't mind pay good money for a good product I would love one just like this maybe matte black and a black sole
Can I buy some from you
Like would you post it on ebay so icould buy them !
I would buy some!!!! I LOVE THEM. I have also been obsessing since Gaga wore them and I have been looking for them forever!!! Do you think you could post a detailed tutorial on how to make them?? I want them soo bad!!!!
You can email me at kassie_nicole@yahoo.com.
Hey! These are splendid!!! What did you use.. do, to construct the round "armadillo" part of these??
Keep me posted on your Armadillo shoe creations, I'd love to purchase a pair.
Omg I love your original pair and would also love if you would be gracious enough to make and sell me a pair. Money is no option but unfortunately I'm not famous enough to own a original pair. Please contact me at ashleegarrott514@hotmail.com thank you and you have amazing talent
I would just want some the same way you made your just alike u can email me blackjuice91@gmail.com
Wow you are so creative! well done! You did such a great job of these!!!
I die! I'm so going to make some!
AIEEEEE! and OMG! CheeesSauce! u r an anser to a diy frikkinpraer! man, words, squeal and blasphemous epithets cannot come close to describing just how excied, impressed and covetous I feel.
I had just been thinking about how I could create my own, did a search of cheap ones....YOU popped up with this more than passable, greatly comparable yet politically awsome psir. sooo happy. please make some. for your sisters. thanks, i am not able to recreate it, i know you did!, suzimarsh.sm@gmail.com FB friend me. http://suzimarsh@blogspot.com
those are pretty freakin' radd, if I might say so myself ^_^
Saw your video on Youtube, and followed it to your blog. I gotta say: I really do like your replica model just a tiny bit more than the originals.
Seems, though, even since you made your own, they're so close to the original in terms that I keep hearing the originals are pretty freakin' hard to walk in as well! haha~
These look incredible!
OMG! You are a genius! Those shoes are rad!!! <3
So how much to get me a pair?
I really love this!!! I'm actually going to be performing Bad Romance at my school for our Glee Club! I need to have a real GaGa look so I searched for some shoes online, but no luck! So the next best thing is to make them! Could you by any chance email me a detailed tutorial? Or if it's not too much to ask, would you be willing to sell me a pair?
please contact me at: nintendodds@gmail.com
Thanks so much!
This is so creative. They look awesome. I have a pair of 8" stripper heels I wore last Halloween (dressed as Gaga of course). I've been toying with the idea of doing something like this, but I was afraid it would turn out not great. After seeing how wonderful yours turned out, I am inspired to take a chance and do it. Can't prepare for the born this way ball too soon! :)
These are the bomb.com - love love love!!! With someone with no patience you sure did show some here making these shoes come to life ^_^. GREAT JOB! I have to subscribe after reading that lol...
Omg can you do me a huge favor and make me some i have a plan for prom but I don't have 10,000 dollars can you plaease contact me via email anita.barringer@gmail.com
Can you make me a pair for prom Pleasee :)
Do you sell pairs of them?
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