If you’ve ever read my Tweets you’re probably well aware ofmy animal obsession. In particular, I have a special place in my heart for furry critters in need of a home. This lovehas lead me to be the proud owner of 7 rescue furballs. In order of pigiority(in our household animals acquire seniority, AKA pigiority, based on their timein our household).
Ameryth (Aliases:“Big Pig”, “Wompa Stompa”)
Species: Guinea Pig - Peruvian
Age: 4.5 years
Pigiority: 2.5 years
Personality: Large and in charge
Back Story: The shelther where we got Big Pig really had noinfo on her backstory. So here’s our story acquiring the Big:
We arrived at the New Westminster animal shelter to find BigPig had been shaved everywhere but her head. It was awesome so we had to takeher. Usually, they make you fill out a bunch of forms and come back a weeklater once you’re deemed worthy to pay $30 for a fat, 2 year old shaved guineapig. But our skinny jeans must have been giving off a “We don’t have a snakewe’re planning on feeding this to” vibe. The girl turned to us and said, “Soyou got a box?” To which we replied, “Nope.” So they gave us a towel and wedrove home with Big Pig on my lap. She didn’t seem to care at all.
Patience (Aliases:“Peaches”, “Smellbot”, “Patchwork Peaches”, “Smellcat”)
Species: Dog – German Shepard / Lab mix
Age: 3 years
Pigiority: 1.5 years
Personality: Bouncy
Back Story: Patience was brought into the Coquitlam animalshelter as a stay. They soon found she’d been hit by a car at some point, which broke her sacrum and caused a fair dea of nerve damage in her back end andtail. She ended up spending over 6 months in a vets office (where the staff dubbed her Pateince for her good behavior in so many procedures). Once mostly recovered she was returned to the shelter for adoption. Apparently, large big black female dogs are some of the hardest to find home for. So Patience was inthe shelter for another 3 months before we came across her. Due to her continuing medical treatments we brought her on initially as a foster dog. But like anything fuzzy I touch, I’m never able to let it go again.
Miss Vida (Aliases:“Vee Vee”, “Crunch Ball”)
Species: Degu
Age: 5 years
Pigiority: 1.5 years
Personality: Cuddly Explorer – Guinea Pig Hater for Life
Back Story: Vida originally lived in a nice home with twoother degus. Then one day those two degus were all like “Hey bitch! We’s gonna kill you!” And Miss Vida was given up. But fortunately we had a lonely degu inneed of a new degu friend! And so Miss Vida joined the team and has been sinceeating her way to blimp like proportions.
Harley Quinn(Aliases: “Quindalyn”, “Princess”)
Species: Guinea Pig – Abyssinian
Age: 6 years
Pigiority: 1.5 years
Personality: People = Love, Pigs = Face Bite
Back Story: Harley (formerly Coco) was abandoned to theSurrey Animal Shelter by a family whose children had grown bored of her. You know, cause guinea pigs are just like last seasons Barbies right? She’d never lived with any other guinea pigs, and was very unsure of any interaction with people. When we got her home we soon found she was terrified of our other pigs and immediately would go into piggy attack mode. It took about 6 months to getthem to actually live together in relative peace and harmony. It took even longer for Quinn to like being handled by us. Now she’s the biggest sweetie. She loves to come out and fall asleep on your lap :)
Sopie (Alias: “SofaKing”)
Species: Guinea Pig – American, Albino
Age: 6 years
Pigiority: 1 year
Personality: Snuggly
Back Story: Sophie was abandoned along with her bunnycompanion to a pet supply store where we get our timothy hay by another family whose children were all like “Guinea pigs are boring, can I have an xBox?”Sophia was all alone as her bunny companion had already been adopted. She was identical to my first guinea pig, Sunny, so I knew as soon as I saw her that she would be mine (oh yes). Then I didn’t leave the store until Kyle agreed to let me have her. Success!
Shiloh (Alias:“Baby”)
Species: Degu
Age: 1.25 years
Pigiority: 1 year
Personality: Sneaky
Back Story: I found Shiloh on Craigslist and called to findthe owner wasn’t sure if she was a boy or a girl. Hmmmm I said. So I did soresearch on degu junk and setup a time come meet Miss or possibly MisterShiloh. For some reason she was being housed in a rabbit cage without and climbing or hiding spots. I could tell she was only a couple month old, and pretty much terrified. The girl at the house said she often went to a local petstore and felt bad when Shiloh was the only degu left of her litter. Despite alack of any research into degus she took her…. In her defense she soon realized her lack in ability to care for Shiloh and listed her on Craigslist. I checked out her junk and decided she was indeed a she. We got her home and she was like“OMG another degu!” And Vida was like “OMG you’re my baby!” And then livedhappily ever after.
Reginald (Aliases:“Charlie”, “Char Char”, “Chia Man”, “Lady Gentleman”)

Species: Chinchilla
Age: 2.5 years
Pigiority: 8 months
Personality: Bouncy Little Bastard
Back Story: Charlie was the unfortunate unwanted child of adivorce. I have a feeling he was owned by an 8 year old girl as his cage was covered in pink heart stickers. But then again that’s something I might do, soperhaps it was just an immature adult. When we first saw him I was all “Mine! Mine!Mine!” And Kyle was all “we’re leaving.” Now he lives upstairs. He’s the first chinchilla I’ve ever had and is totally awesome. He loves to destroy everything in his cage and really enjoys throwing his food bowl from the top, 4’ high platform.If you rub his cheeks he will be your best friend for life. He believes the degus do not desrve dust baths, ever. And best of all if you give him a treat he deems unworthy, he’ll take it from his mouth and throw it at you. Chinchilla<3