I’m still going strong and not buying anything new this year. Most of the time I’ve found this pretty easy. Occasionally I’ve gotten dragged along on shopping trips and am forced to avert my eyes from all the cute summer wear. Damn tempting florals! But the Value Village trips have been very fun.
On the project side I’ve had a ton on the go. I just reno’d the powder room in my house. It’s pretty much done other than a small pipe issue. Standardized measurements my ass! But here it is:

Also, I just welcomed a darling new critter to my pack. He’s been dubbed Reginald and is the king of fuzzy. Kyle picked him up and said “Even though they all need to burn and die I totally get why people make coats out of you.” Like all of my pets he’s a rescue. People getting divorced, blah blah blah, need to move, blah blah blah, (insert more lame excuses HERE). But he’s mine now so yay!

I’ve also made a couple videos about some of my shoe project adventures. Here’s my latest pair. They are Ruby Red Demon Slippers and I made them for Dorothy to wear to Hell’s Annual Masquerade.
There’s also a video about my Armadillo Shoes on my YouTube page at http://www.youtube.com/user/JennyFallsDown Someone even made their own JennyFallsDown inspired Armadillo shoes. Which I think is AWESOME.
Lastly I’ve been doing some more music lately. So if you’re interested here’s a song about Puppies, Kittens and Cranberry Sauce called “Abigail”:
I think that’s about all the rambling I have in me today. Happy New True Blood comes out tonight day!